- Advanced peep system, completely designed for ultimate accuracy.
- Includes all 5 PXS Target Peep Capture Apertures (1/32″, 3/64″, 1/16″, 3/32″ and 1/8″), all 5 PXS Target Clarifier Lenses, and Storage Case.
- Center String Technology: located on center of bowstring – no L and R misses.
- Optical Centered Technology: improved centration of lenses for ultimate accuracy.
- Protected Lens Technology: lenses protected by plastic on 2 sides prevents cracking.
- Dual String Angle Technology: has both 37 and 45-degree string angles on the same peep housing.
- Tool-less Aperture Technology.
- NOTE: Does NOT include a PXS Target Peep or PXS Shade Cap.
- NOTE: Fits into Specialty Archery PXS Target Peep ONLY. NOT compatible with other Specialty Archery peeps.
For more information, please visit the manufacturer website for this product .
This product was added to the store on 2021-03-05.
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